Off-Grid Yoga
Monday 9am-10am UK
on Zoom
An hour long intuitive class each Monday morning to set you up for the week. The first 40 minutes will be a high tempo flow, and then we’ll cool things down in the last 20 with restorative yoga and meditation.
£25.00 / month
more information on the
Off-Grid Yoga
Join live preferably, but if you cannot make 9am UK on a Monday each weekly 60 minute class will be published in a private Telegram group. From here you can use the recordings to establish a daily practice at a time convenient to your personal schedule, and for you to watch as many times as you want. The intention for this weekly connection is to create a positive start to your week and guide you into prioritising a daily practice to remain connected and aligned.
For the past few years yoga has taken a backseat in Jo’s life with meditation stepping forwards centre stage, however recently Jo has fallen back in love with the practice and wishes to share how important it is to stay flexible in body, mind, and presence.
“Now well into my 50s I can truly appreciate how potently yoga and meditation has served me throughout my adult life. The periods I take away from the physical side of the practice leave me feeling older, creakier, heavier, and with less energy whilst when I practice daily I feel alive, fresh, open and strong with an overriding sense of completeness. My new vigour for teaching comes from this truly abundant place; to share how a daily practice can bring vitality back into all areas of your life.”
Jo began teaching yoga on 6th January 2001 in Bophut, Koh Samui, Thailand where she had a studio (on the roof overlooking Koh Phang-nan) and clothes shop. She trained in both Thailand and India, and then moved back to the UK where she had studios in North London, Hertfordshire and then Inner Guidance Retreat Centre, Lavenham, Suffolk. It is from there that Jo upped sticks with her husband Dominic and their pets and moved to Southern Spain where they live off-grid and as self-sufficient as possible in the forest and mountains.
The yoga has come full circle because Jo is once again teaching from her roof, as she started off in Thailand more than 23 years ago 🧘♀️

Terms, Conditions, and Disclaimer
It’s time to take responsibility, step out of victimhood/blame, and become fully embodied. Nobody but you can do this, it’s your journey; you are the ultimate teacher; only you know what alignment feels like; and Jo is merely opening the door and providing the environment for you to find what is already within. When we live an off-grid life we take full responsibility for all aspects of our experience. This includes physically, so when practicing off-grid yoga with Jo never go further than 90% of what your body can do in each moment and never push yourself any further. Jo De Rosa will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of participating in her classes. Alignment is at the heart of Blissful Infinity and when you remain here you will never need to experience being off-centre again; this is the journey we take together, enjoy 🙏
BLOG: Going Back On My Word 🤭
Wow this year has very different energy, and whether you believe in astrology or not, with all the major planets direct we are in uncomplicated fast forward moving energy (if we get out of our own way).
The first quarter of the year has brought me to the return of yoga teaching. I begin a new online class on Monday and literally cannot wait! This is after announcing, two and a half years ago, that I would never teach again. Of course I meant it when I said it but the last four years have been about stripping back, dropping everything, to create space for deep self enquiry. The pandemic years brought something to everyone; all our lives were changed one way or the other. For me the move to Spain during the peak of craziness, and subsequent shift into hermit energy allowed me to create such a simple quiet life that I have luckily had an environment where I have not only surrendered to each moment, but learnt to live in continual alignment.
It’s so obvious now when I get a ‘no’ and a ‘yes’, and I honour each internal message with whatever action is aligned to it. This inner wisdom has become my driving force at the expense of people pleasing, overwhelm, busyness, and anything that feels off.
Never Say Never
I have to say it was quite a surprise to even me when I got a ‘yes’ on the return to yoga teaching 🤣 I kept checking back in and asking my inner wisdom, and it kept saying ‘yes yes yes just do it’! So it unfolded from there; and next week one online class per week, and one in person, will commence on my roof in the middle of the forest/mountains.
Why this is so aligned at this time is the realisation of how important yoga continues to be in my own life, how it has shaped me on all levels, the fact that I practice everyday and LOVE IT, thus wanting to share what keeps me physically and mentally strong as well as happy. Well into my 50s yoga is the perfect companion to keep my physical body healthy, flexible, strong and balanced as I surrender into the “afternoon of life” (Wayne Dyer).
Blocked ➡️ Flow
I’ve shifted the teaching focus from only alignment, to alignment within flow. To become, and remain, unblocked we must flow so this has stepped forward as a new priority in both my own practice and therefore my teaching.
Suitable for young and old, experienced and not so, a certain level of fitness is preferable for you to enjoy this membership. I would also recommend you attend an in-person class regularly for a teacher to check your postures in the flesh, for physical alignment safety.
If you’ve practiced with me before you will notice a big difference from this 2.5 years break. Classes have gone from 90 to 60 minutes, have shifted to a higher tempo flow for the majority of each session, however we still will finish with restorative yoga and meditation. This reflects how ‘efficient’ my own practice has become (also 60 minutes daily), and the desire to guide you to your own daily practice. Within our private telegram group where the weekly class recordings will be available to you, you can repeat each one as many times as you wish; they will never be deleted.
You will have the ability to go back to sessions and perhaps repeat your favourite strong flow section; these will be around 45 minutes per class, or favourite restorative part; around 15 minutes. So whatever your mood each day I hope you will fit some yoga into your day-to-day schedule.
- £25 per month
- Entry to a private Telegram group
- Permanent access to all the classes
- Drop-in one-off classes at £7.50
Book a one-off drop-in taster class HEREFinally I’d like to share some photos with you of my 23+ year journey of teaching, and how my new classes on my Spanish roof come full circle to when I began teaching on my Thai roof back in January 2001. All of my training has been in Thailand and India.
Top Left: todays Spanish yoga roof, Top Right: my roof in Thailand where I began teaching in 2001, Middle Left: in India, Middle Middle Left: my teacher in India, Sharat, teaching a class, Middle Middle Right: with Sharat in class, Middle Right: my studio in North London where I taught yoga and meditation, Bottom Left: my 2nd teacher training course in India 2004, Middle Right: teaching in Thailand on Christmas Day 2003

Join The Conversation On Our Public Telegram Channel
Conversations of a new world. With so much censorship in the mainstream, it is difficult to find the truth and Jo shares her uncensored thoughts in this channel and invites discussion and connection. Link to join here:
When you sign up to the yoga membership you’ll be given an invitation to the private Telegram Channel where all of the yoga recordings will be held, for you to rewatch as many times as you wish and to discuss with other group members which is different to the open public channel.